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Axis Range Labels

I have used the following code to generate an x-axis range - chart.PrimaryXAxis.RangeType = ChartAxisRangeType.Set; chart.PrimaryXAxis.Range = new Range(Min, Max, IntervalSize); The resulting chart has x-axis labels marked by the interval count eg. 1, 2, 3 etc. I would like the labels to be the (IntervalCount x IntervalSize), eg.10, 20, 30 (given IntervalSize = 10). Is this possible ?

1 Reply

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team April 1, 2004 08:20 PM UTC

Hi, The ChartFormatAxisLabel event of the ChartControl can be handled to provide custom labels for any of the Axes. this.chartControl1.ChartFormatAxisLabel += new ChartFormatAxisLabelEventHandler(this.chartControl1_ChartFormatAxisLabelEventHandler); private void chartControl1_ChartFormatAxisLabelEventHandler(object sender,ChartFormatAxisLabelEventArgs args ) { if(args.IsAxisPrimary && args.AxisOrientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { args.Label = (args.Value*10).ToString(); args.Handled = true; } } Please see the sample linked to below: http://www.syncfusion.com/support/user/uploads/chartlabelscustom.zip Regards, Davis

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