Is there a way to make the header, part of the appointment table? The reason is if you set up the schedule without a timescale and a larger cell width (see below), the appointment area scrolls but the header does not so you lose all sense of connection. If there is a way to link them or setup the row as part of the table so that the header will scroll as well.
currentDate: new Date(2015, 11, 7),
showTimeScale: false,
timeScale: {enable: false},
cellHeight: "50px",
currentView: ej.Schedule.CurrentView.Workweek,
views: ["Day","Week","WorkWeek","Month","Agenda"],
cellWidth: "300px",
group: {
resources: ["Owners"]
resources: [{
field: "ownerId",
title: "Owner",
name: "Owners",
resourceSettings: {
dataSource: [{
text: "Nancy",
id: 1,
color: "#f8a398"
}, {
text: "Steven",
id: 3,
color: "#56ca85"
}, {
text: "Michael",
id: 5,
color: "#51a0ed"
text: "text",
id: "id",
color: "color"
appointmentSettings: {
resourceFields: "ownerId",
dataSource: [{
Id: 1,
Subject: "Music Class",
StartTime: new Date("2015/11/7 06:00 AM"),
StartTimeZone: "UTC +05:30",
EndTime: new Date("2015/11/7 07:00 AM"),
EndTimeZone: "UTC +05:30",
Description: "Never Giveup on Obstacles",
location: "US",
AllDay: false,
Recurrence: true,
Categorize: "1",
Priority: "medium",
ownerId: 3,
RecurrenceId: 1,
RecurrenceExDate: null