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Missing chart type? RangeBarSeries

Hi Guys,

I need to use a RangeBarSeries, the RangeColumnSeries  works great but I need the columns to be bars going across the screen.

Is there any control I can use to achieve this, or is it possible to extend anything to make one work?


5 Replies

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team June 17, 2016 07:19 AM UTC

Hi Sean, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We can achieve the requirement by enabling IsTransposed property in RangeColumnSeries as shown in the below code snippet. 


           <chart:RangeColumnSeries IsTransposed="True" 
                                     ItemsSource="{Binding FinancialDatas}"  
                                     High="High" Low="Low" >                 



SA Sean Andrews June 17, 2016 07:23 AM UTC

Hi Rachel,

Thanks so much

That is perfect! All working exactly as required :)


RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team June 17, 2016 07:26 AM UTC

Hi Sean, 
Thanks for the update. 
Please let us know if you need any further assistance . 
Rachel. A 

FT Fabrício Tibúrcio Silva Araújo October 19, 2016 12:30 PM UTC

Is possible to put High and Low parameters as DateTime type using IsTransposed option? 
I' ve tryed it but it returns me a conversion error when I run... 


DA Devi Aruna Maharasi Murugan Syncfusion Team October 20, 2016 10:03 AM UTC

Hi Sean, 
Thanks for your update. 
We are able to set only NumericalAxis into chart’s SecondaryAxis. However, your requirement (High and Low parameters as DateTime type) can be achieved by converting the DateTime value in to double data type. We have prepared a demo sample based on your requirement and it can be downloaded from below link, 
Sample: RangebarDate 

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