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How to hide/unhide specific rows and columns by mouse operation in a GridGroupingControl ?


I've figured out that the FieldChooser class can help to hide/unhide specific columns, butI haven't found a solution  for rows .
The ideal effect is like MS-Excel' hide/unhide function. Do we have any controls or solutions that can make it?

By the way, I have another issue: how to rename the caption of FieldChooser's FieldDialogBox (which is "FieldDialogBox ")?

Thanks  : ) 

3 Replies

AK Adhikesevan Kothandaraman Syncfusion Team May 27, 2016 06:45 AM UTC

Hi Customer, 
Query 1: 
The ideal effect is like MS-Excel' hide/unhide function. Do we have any controls or solutions that can make it? 
To implement the hiding of rows like the excel for the GridGroupingControl, you can define a EngineFactory before the inititalizeComponet method. It will allows to hide the rows by resizing to its minimum size. Please refer to the following code snippet, 

Code Snippet: 
//Used to resize Individual Rows in the GridGroupingControl 
GridEngineFactory.Factory = new Syncfusion.GridHelperClasses.AllowResizingIndividualRows(); 
Query 2: 
how to rename the caption of FieldChooser's FieldDialogBox (which is "FieldDialogBox ")? 
The Caption text of the field chooser dialog box can be changed by handling the FieldChooserShowing event of the GridGroupingControl as of follows, 
Code Snippet: 
this.gridGroupingControl1.FieldChooserShowing += new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.FieldChooserShowingEventHandler(gridGroupingControl1_FieldChooserShowing); 
void gridGroupingControl1_FieldChooserShowing(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.FieldChooserShowingEventArgs e) 
    //To Set the caption text of the field chooser Dialog box. 
    e.Caption = "Sample";             

TR TrySyncfusion May 27, 2016 08:54 AM UTC

Thanks a lot  ^_^ 

AK Adhikesevan Kothandaraman Syncfusion Team May 30, 2016 04:16 AM UTC

Hi Customer, 

Thanks for your update. 

We are glad to know that your query has been solved. Please let us know if you need any further assistance. 


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