Hi Micah,
We have analyzed your query and we suspect that you may returned all the data without performing skip and take operations in server side as follows,
.Datasource(ds => ds.URL("GetEmployeeData").Adaptor(AdaptorType.UrlAdaptor))
.PageSettings(page => { page.PageSize(3); })
. . . .
ActionResult GetEmployeeData(DataManager dm)
. . . .
. . . .
int count = data.AsQueryable().Count();
DataOperations operation = new DataOperations();
//Performing paging operations
data = operation.PerformSkip(data, dm.Skip);
data = operation.PerformTake(data, dm.Take);
return Json(new { result = data, count = count }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Refer to the below screenshot,
While using UrlAdaptor we need to perform all the grid actions like Filtering, Sorting, Searching and Summary in the server side.
Refer to the below link for more clarification,
We have created a sample for your reference and the same can be downloaded from the following link,
Gowthami V.