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Saving the state of PivotSchemaDesigner


I want to save the state of the PivotSchemaDesigner control: columns, rows, calculations and filters. I'v tried with the properties.

  1. PivotSchemaDesigner.model.pivotRows
  2.  PivotSchemaDesigner.model.pivotColumns
  3.  PivotSchemaDesigner.model.pivotCalculations
  4. PivotSchemaDesigner.model.filters
But, these propeties don't have the correct values when you make some changes in the PivotSchemaDesigner control: changes rows by columns, columns by filters....

How to access to the correct rows, columns, calculation and filters values?


1 Reply

RG Ramesh Govindaraj Syncfusion Team March 14, 2016 06:58 AM UTC

Hi Jorge,

Thank you or using Syncfusion products.

We have prepared a PivotGrid sample where you can get the current state of PivotTable Field list. Please refer to the sample and code example in below.

Sample :  http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/123373/ze/PivotFieldList-1412952369

Code :


<ej:PivotGrid ID="PivotGrid" Url="" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static">



<ClientSideEvents Load="onLoad"  RenderSuccess="loadSchemaDesigner"/>


function loadSchemaDesigner(args) {

    $("#PivotSchemaDesigner").ejPivotSchemaDesigner({ pivotControl: this, layout: ej.PivotSchemaDesigner.Layouts.Excel });

    args.model.renderComplete = null;

   // You can get your current report here in run-time.

    var column = _proxy.model.dataSource.columns;

    var row = _proxy.model.dataSource.rows;

    var filter = _proxy.model.dataSource.filters;

    var values = _proxy.model.dataSource.values;


Ramesh G.

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