Hi Shanzida,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
Query: I would like to use inline editing for the update action and inline form/inline template for add option.
Use Toolbar for update and add option:
We use “OnToolbarClickEvent” client side event for normal editing to update action and inline form for add option with the help of below code.
function toolBarEvent(sender,args)
if ($(args._currentItem).find(".EditItem").length > 0) {
sender._editMode = "Normal"; //set normal edit
if($(args._currentItem).find(".AddNewItem").length > 0)
sender._editMode = "InlineForm"; //set inlineform edit
When double click on the row:
We use “OnRecordDoubleClickEvent” event for normal editing to update action when double click the row.
Please refer to the code and sample:
function recordClick(sender, args)
sender._editMode = "Normal"; //set normal edit on double click on the row
Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/123201/ze/sample1155919959.zip
Kavitha N.