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Is there a way to detect when an event is tapped to add edit/delete event functionality?

Pretty much as the subject says, I've been able to add the Schedule control to my app and populate it, but I have not found in the code or in the documentation for a way to catch if a user taps on a specific event. I'd like to bring up a new screen to edit an event if they tapped on it in the schedule.

8 Replies

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team February 3, 2016 06:46 AM UTC

Hi Romulo,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Products.

Based on the provided information, your requirement of tapping an appointment can be achieved by “ScheduleCellTapped” event in SfSchedule Xamarin. This event
 is used to listen while tap on the Schedule cell or Appointment, and it is applicable for all Schedule views. Please find the code snippets for the same.

Code Snippets:


         schedule.ScheduleCellTapped += schedule_ScheduleCellTapped;

          void schedule_ScheduleCellTapped(object sender, ScheduleTappedEventArgs args)


            //DateTime of the selected cell in Schedule

           var dateTime= args.datetime;

            //Schedule instance

           var schedule = args.Schedule;

            //Selected appointment informations

           var selectedAppointment = args.selectedAppointment;


To know more about ScheduleCellTapped event, Please refer the following KB for this requirement.

KB Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/kb/6203/scheduletapped-event-in-xforms

If the provided samples does not meet your requirement, could you please provide us more information such as Xamarin cross platform, Schedule view along with simple sample (if possible screenshots)? It will be helpful for us to analyze on your requirement and provide you a possible solution.

Note: We will consider this ScheduleCellTapped event and update this in our SfSchedule Xamarin User Guide documentation improvement.

Please let us know, if you have any query.

Nijamudeen M. 

PM Paul Mace February 12, 2016 07:40 PM UTC

In Xamarin.Forms  .ScheduleCellTapped  event is not triggered in MonthView.

There does not appear to be any exposed event for touching a day in the MonthView--though clearly the UI reflects the touch event.

Exposing the  .DateCellTapped event would enable us to program the desired response, rather than forcing the user to pick a different view.

Paul Mace

PM Paul Mace February 13, 2016 05:04 PM UTC

...Or make the .Showinline=true appointments also return .ScheduleCellTapped

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team February 15, 2016 12:14 PM UTC

Hi @Paul,

We have already fixed the issue with "ScheduleCellTapped event which triggered in long press instead of touch (tap) event in MonthView of SfSchedule Xamarin (iOS). The fix for this issue has included in our Essential Studio service pack 1 for Volume 4, 2015 is rolled out and is available for download under the following link:


If the provided solution doesn’t meet your requirement, please revert us with more information so that we could analyze on it and provide you with the better solution.

Please let us know, if you have any query.

Nijamudeen M.

PM Paul Mace February 15, 2016 06:45 PM UTC

Any guess as to when Tapped event for Month View will be working in Android?

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team February 16, 2016 06:41 AM UTC

Hi Paul,

We don’t have any issues in ScheduleCellTapped event in Xamarin (Android, WinRT and WP81). We have tested the ScheduleCellTapped event in XForms (android) and it is working. We have prepared a simple sample for this. Please find the code example and sample in the below link.


      void schedule_ScheduleCellTapped(object sender, ScheduleTappedEventArgs args)


            textBlock.Text = args.datetime.ToString();


Sample Link: ScheduleApp_XFORMS.zip

If the provided information does not meet your requirement, could you please provide us more information? It will be helpful for us to analyze on it and provide you a possible solution.

Please let us know, if you have any query.

Nijamudeen M.

IA Ian September 5, 2017 11:30 PM UTC

Is the information in this thread still relevant? I can find no method in SfSchedule called ScheduleCellTapped. In android I use the ScheduleTapped method, but that doesn't exist in the xamarin.ios version.

SP Subburaj Pandian Veluchamy Syncfusion Team September 6, 2017 06:31 AM UTC

Hi Ian, 
Tapped events in Xamarin Forms: 
ScheduleCellTapped event of Schedule has been deprecated, you can use CellTapped event for the same in Schedule Xamarin Forms, other events such as CellDoubleTapped and CellLongPressed also available in Schedule. You can refer our online user guide documentation for the same by the below link, 
Tapped event in Xamarin.iOS: 
In Xamarin.iOS also event name is CellTapped event in Schedule, please refer the below code example, 
schedule.CellTapped += Schedule_CellTapped; 
private void Schedule_CellTapped(object sender, CellTappedEventArgs e)
            var selectedTime = e.Date;
            var selectAppointment = e.SelectedAppointment;
Please let us know if you have any query on this. 
Subburaj Pandian V.  

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