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GridPercentColumn - Number format issue for china location


I am using syncfusion.GridPercentColumn to display percent field inside sfDatagrid. It is working fine for US, German & India location but not working for China location. 
When I tried to input 8.8% in column it converting it to 80 % in china location. Please suggest what is the problem for china location. Thanks

1 Reply

VR Vijayalakshmi Roopkumar Syncfusion Team February 2, 2016 12:42 PM UTC

Hi Yogesh,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused,

We are able to reproduce the reported issue with the PercentTextBox in chinese location and we have already logged an issue report on this. The fix for this issue will be available in our upcoming Main Volume release.

Vijayalakshmi V.R.

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