The Syncfusion® native Blazor components library offers 70+ UI and Data Viz web controls that are responsive and lightweight for building modern web apps.
.NET PDF framework is a high-performance and comprehensive library used to create, read, merge, split, secure, edit, view, and review PDF files in C#/VB.NET.
KSKalai Selvi Rajendran Syncfusion Team January 29, 2016 05:54 AM UTC
Hi Yann, Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
For adding fontName, fontSize, fontColor and backgroundColor to the toolbar in RTE control by Angular way, first define the toolsList and tools as array and assign it to the scope variable and then the scope will utilize it in corresponding attributes. Please refer to the below code example. <code>
<textareaid="rteSample"ej-rtee-width="100%"e-toolsList="toolslist"e-tools="tools"e-height="266"e-value="rteValue"></textarea> <scripttype="text/javascript"class="jsScript"> var toolsList= ["font"]; var tool = { font: ["fontName", "fontSize", "fontColor", "backgroundColor"],} angular.module('syncApp', ['ejangular']) .controller('RTECtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.rteValue = "Description: The Rich Text Editor (RTE) control is an easy to render in client side. Customer easy to edit the contents and get the HTML content for"; $ = tool; $scope.toolslist = toolsList; $"color:#5C5C5C"; }); </script> </code> Please refer to the below link for online demo: Regards Kalai Selvi