Hi Val,
Thank you for using Syncfusion products.
Currently there is no built-in editor support available in Schedule control for Android to add/edit appointments. It can be achieved by using ScheduleTappedListener. It will be triggered while tap on the schedule cell (timeslot) as well as on the appointment in the schedule control. As the ScheduleTappedListener contains selected appointment along with other related information in the event arguments, it can be used to edit the existing appointment also. Please refer the sample in the below location to add and edit appointments in Schedule control using ScheduleTappedListener.
Sample location: Essential Studio -> Android -> Schedule -> Appointment Editor
File installation location: SampleBrowser\AndroidStudio\app\src\main\java\samplebrowser\syncfusion\com\samplebrowserandroid\Samples\Schedule\AppointmentEditor.java
Appointments can be added to the Schedule control by adding the data to Appointments property of Schedule control from the required form (for instance, DialogFragment) and it can be edited through ScheduleTappedListener available in the control.
If the provided solution doesn’t meet your requirement, please revert us back with more information, so that we could analyze on it and provide you better solution.
Swathi G