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I want to change the file name.

response [{"success":false,"errorType":0,"message":null,"page":1,"total":1,"records":0,"index":0,"id":null,"expandObj":null,"rows":[],"fileId":null,"fileURL":null,"type":null,"fileType":null,"size":"0","createDate":null,"description":null,"fileName":null,"dateModified":"1/1/2015","hasChild":"false","isFile":"false","name":"2015","memId":null,"showName":shoName1}]

Can I change the name in the above response is shown to the user showName?

본문 이미지 1

1 Reply

BP Balamurugan P Syncfusion Team January 27, 2016 01:07 PM UTC

Hi Jiyelo,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

No, In our FileExplorer, some JSON data of Ajax response need to be in specific format with same field/key names. Because in client, we have processed the JSON data by referring this keys and populate these details in FileExplorer.   Also if you need, you can add additional data along with the existing JSON result, but should not remove or rename the mandatory fields “name”, “isFile”, “hasChild” in Ajax response.

Unfortunately, we are unable to view the attached image. If you have any further queries, could you please send the image in the compressed (zip) folder.

Note: In Syncfusion.EJ.dll, we have provided built-in BasicFileOperations (Abstract) and FileExplorerOperations classes. By inheriting these classes, you may easily implement custom handling functions as per your requirement. 

Please let us know if you have further queries. We will be happy to assist you.



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