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Paging problem using ejGrid

Hello syncfusion. 
Currently our team is migrating from our old solution to syncfusion ejGrid, and found a biblical issue.
Our paging methods are done in the back-end server, 
and the documents provided in your site do not have right paging methods which we use.
For example, if we have 100 rows of data then we have to add all of the 100 data into the ejGrid to show the paging.

According to your documents js/datamanager/paging, we've found out the paging using query could only be customized in the front-end 
Would there be a way to customize the paging in the back-end? 

1 Reply

SR Sellappandi Ramu Syncfusion Team January 27, 2016 06:54 AM UTC

Hi Maverickjin,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support,

Yes, we can customize paging functionality in back-end using Url Adaptor. URL Adaptor is feature in DataManager. It is used in Grid while we bound to DataManager as Datasource in Grid with Url adaptor enabled. While using URL Adaptor we need to perform operations in server side. The server operations are sorting, filtering, paging and server editing etc.,

Please refer to the code example, online help documentation for URL Adaptor, Datamanager and knowledge base documentation.

$(function () {

        var dataManger = ej.DataManager({

            url: "/Home/DataSource",

            adaptor: new ej.UrlAdaptor()



            dataSource: dataManger,

            allowPaging: true,

            columns: [

                        . . .





public ActionResult DataSource(DataManager dm)


            var DataSource = new simpledbEntities2().Persons.ToList();

            DataResult result = new DataResult();

            DataOperations operation = new DataOperations();

            result.result = DataSource;

            result.count = result.result.AsQueryable().Count();

            if (dm.Skip > 0)

                result.result = operation.PerformSkip(result.result, dm.Skip);//To perform paging operation

            if (dm.Take > 0)

                result.result = operation.PerformTake(result.result, dm.Take);//To perform paging operation

            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Document for URL Adaptor: http://help.syncfusion.com/js/grid/editing#url-adaptor

Document for Datamanager: http://help.syncfusion.com/js/datamanager

KB: https://www.syncfusion.com/kb/4300/server-side-api-for-datamanager-operations

Sellappandi R

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