1. What is your recommendation concerning
enableNativeScrolling for mobile devices ? why does the default value is false
What exactly is the difference between native and non native scrolling?
Especially concerning the scroll performance and smoothness
2. Do you have some kind of a router object (similar to
angular / kendo ui) to controls the routing of urls
3. Can the navigationDrawer have any content in it (or
only lists are allows ?)
4. How do you define a complex "View" (one that
has complex content) like in the question I asked here : https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/121638/fixed-element
is this the correct way ? (Defining a ejmscrollpanel)
5. Do you have some event for View been loaded? Let’s say I
have navigation drawer with rel='nofollow' href to several views. exactly like in (http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/mobile/#navigationdrawer|default)
When I click the "Home" the url is changing to
http://...#home and the view with id=home is loaded (again, where is the router
objects ?)
Can I know that the (home) view is about to be loaded (some
kind of loaded event) ?
Can the views
themselves contain syncfusion's components ? (In the sample the views only
contain plain html content) , let’s say "home" div contains
If so , Will the ejmListView be initialized when the page
loads or only when the user clicked “Home”
Thx in advanced foe all your help
[html] <div data-role="ejmnavigationdrawer" data-ej-width="100" id="navpane" data-ej-targetid="header_leftbutton" data-ej-allowscrolling="true" data-ej-type="overlay" data-ej-position="fixed" data-ej-contentid="container"> <!--Template content--> |
[html] <div data-role="ejmnavigationdrawer" data-ej-width="100" id="navpane" data-ej-targetid="header_leftbutton" data-ej-allowscrolling="true" data-ej-type="overlay" data-ej-position="fixed" data-ej-contentid="container"> <div id="scrollcontent" class="defaultsample">
<div id="tile1" class="tempimage e-m-state-active" data-ej-touchend="touch" data-role="ejmtile" data-ej-theme='dark' data-ej-imageurl='setting.png' data-ej-imagepath="http://js.syncfusion.com/UG/Mobile/Content/tile" data-ej-text="Settings"> </div>
</div> |
[html] <script> function touch(e) { //Closes the Navigation drawer $("#navpane").ejmNavigationDrawer("close"); //gets the tile text so that respective html file will be fetched htmlFile = e.text App.loadView(htmlFile + ".html").done(function (absUrl, options, newPage, isAjaxLoading) { //cleans the div element $("#contents").empty(); //Initializes the syncfusion widgets ej.widget.init(newPage); //Changes the document title as per selected tile document.title = e.text; //appends the newly fetched datas to the contents div $("#contents").append(newPage.show()); }); } |
[html] <script> //Before fetching the html file $(document).bind("viewbeforeload", function (e) { console.log(e.type); }); //After fetching the html file $(document).bind("viewload", function (e) { console.log(e.type); }); //If html file is not in the respective location $(document).bind("viewloadfailed", function (e) { console.log(e.type); |
Yes, we can use Syncfusion components to load the right side view.
While creating the sample based on your requirement with ListView on right pane, we have detected a bug. We have confirmed that “ListView not loaded properly in NavigationDrawer” is a defect and a support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this report. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
We have explained step by step procedure to render our Essential Studio Javascript controls in our online documentation. Refer to the following link for the document.
And also we have described the control properties and their usage in the following API reference document.
Dhinesh R