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Getting File Name from the Uploaded Files

Dear Supports,

Currently, i'm using a javascript Upload box control as I'm enhancing a .NET 2.0 web system which is still using VB.NET. 

How am I going to loop through all the uploaded files to get their file names?

I need to save the file name and path into the database. 

While I noticed that ASP.NET Uploadbox control has easy way to achieve that, but I'm not aware of how Essential JS controls support that?



3 Replies

JC Jenson Chew January 5, 2016 01:18 AM UTC

Anyone can provide their experiences and expertise in using Javascript uploadbox (not the ejupload control), the native Javascript in the .aspx file, with the vb or c#.net code behind aspx.vb/aspx.cs?

Can't seem to be able to find a better way to run through the multiple files upload and get a variable value from code behind, and save it into database. 

Thanks in advance. 

JC Jenson Chew January 5, 2016 01:59 AM UTC

Ok, managed to solve it using Session Variable by implementing IReadOnlySessionState at the relevant .ashx code file. Then the Session variable from .aspx.vb/.aspx.cs could be read from there. 

AP Arun Palaniyandi Syncfusion Team January 5, 2016 01:26 PM UTC

Hi Jenson,

Thanks for the update.

Please find the alternate solution for your query in the Forum 110743.

Please contact us in future if you have any queries.

Arun P

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