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Hidden icon in SpliButton

Hi Syncfusion Team

The SpliButtonAdv show a "A" icon per default. How hidden this "A" icon? I dont want display any image in button, only label.

I'm doing this (working...):

<syncfusion:SplitButtonAdv Label="Abrir" SizeMode="Normal" SmallIcon="{x:Null}" Click="AbrirButton_Click">

Any other way, more elegant?

Tks for advance.

Marcio Maciel

1 Reply

MS Marimuthu Sivalingam Syncfusion Team December 28, 2015 09:52 AM UTC

Hi Marcio,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

Currently we can hide the default "A" icon in SplitButtonAdv control either by setting null value for SmallIcon property or collapsing the image element showing icon which can be retrieved using Template.FindName method. You can download the sample for the same from the following link.

Sample: spilitbuttonadv

Marimuthu S.

Up arrow icon