<input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" data-bind="ejAutocomplete:{dataSource:autoComplete.dataSource,fields:autoComplete.fields,filterType:autoComplete.filterType,width:autoComplete.width}" />
autoComplete: {
dataSource: ej.DataManager({ url: '/some/url/value' }),
fields: { text: "name", key: "id" },
filterType: ej.filterType.StartsWith,
width: 205
Hi Mayur,
Thanks for Contacting Syncfusion Support,
We found that you have created Autocomplete by using both Knockout and jQuery approach. While using Knockout support, it is enough to use the ejautocomplete directive to create the component. We have to declare all properties in ejAutocomplete using declarative binding.
Refer to the below code example:
[cshtml] <input type="text" id="autocomplete" name="name" class="form-control" data-bind="ejAutocomplete: {dataSource : value, fields:{ key:'id',text:'languages'},width : 200,filterType:ej.filterType.StartsWith}" /> |
[Script] $(function () { var dataManager = ej.DataManager({ url: "Home/autocomplete", offline: true }) window.viewModel = { value: ko.observable(dataManager), } ko.applyBindings(viewModel); }); |
We have prepared a sample which can be downloaded from the below link
Refer to the below link for more about Knockout binding JS,
Refer to the below link for more about Autocomplete component properties, methods and events,
Selvamani S
* This is an attempt to create an AMD module for RequireJS for the original Syncfusion's extension for knockOut binding
* filename: ej.widget.ko.min.js
* version :
* Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001 - 2015. All rights reserved.
* Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
* A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
* [email protected]. Any infringement will be prosecuted under
* applicable laws.
define(["jquery", "knockout", "ej.scripts/common/ej.core.min"], function (n, r) {
"use strict"; var t = window.Syncfusion; var i = window.Syncfusion.widget; var u = { binder: function (t, i, f, o, s, h, c) { var k = n(t).data(c), y = !k, l = e(i, h["ob.ignore"], !y), p, w, a, b, v; if (!y && JSON) for (v in l) a = l[v], a instanceof Array && (b = k.model[v]) instanceof Array && a.length === b.length && JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b) && delete l[v]; y && h.type === "editor" && r.isObservable(l.value) && (w = l.value, p = u.modelChange(w), l = n.extend({}, l, { value: l.value() })); n(t)[c](l); p && w.subscribe(u.valueChange(n(t)[c]("model._change", p).data(c))) }, modelChange: function (n) { return function (t) { n(t.value) } }, valueChange: function (n) { return function (t) { n.option("value", u.processData(t)) } }, processData: function (n) { return n === "true" ? !0 : n === "false" ? !1 : +n + "" === n ? +n : n }, bindKoHandler: function (t, i) { i["ob.ignore"] = [];[].push.apply(i["ob.ignore"], i.observables || []); r.bindingHandlers[t] = { init: function (i) { r.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(i, function () { n(i)[t]("destroy") }) }, update: function (n, r, f, e, o) { u.binder(n, r, f, e, o, i, t) } } } }, e = function (n, i, u, f) { var s = r.utils.unwrapObservable(n), h = {}, o; if (f = f || "", typeof s == "function" && (s = s()), t.isPlainObject(s)) for (o in s) if (i.indexOf(f + o) === -1) h[o] = r.utils.unwrapObservable(s[o]), (t.isPlainObject(h[o]) || r.isObservable(h[o])) && (h[o] = e(h[o], i, u, f + o + ".")); else { if (u) continue; h[o] = s[o] } return h }, f = i.registeredWidgets; for (var o in f) u.bindKoHandler(f[o].name, f[o].proto); t.extensions.ko = { subscriptions: {}, register: function (n, i, u) { return !window.ko || !r.isObservable(n) ? n : (t.widget.observables.subscriptions[i] = n.subscribe(t.proxy(t.widget.observables.raise, { instance: u, field: i })), n) }, raise: function (i) { var r = this.instance["ob.values"], u = this.field in r; u || (r[this.field] = this.instance.option(this.field)); (r[this.field] !== i || n.isArray(this.instance.option(this.field)())) && (this.instance.option(this.field, t.extensions.modelGUID, !0), r[this.field] = i) }, getValue: function (n, t) { return t ? n : typeof n == "function" ? n() : n } }; t.widget.observables = t.extensions.ko
Hi Mayur,
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Query: I see on the website that Syncfusion supports RequireJS, however, this is not a correct way. The module should not create a global reference. Because of this, now your extension of knockout does not work unless I wrap it and create my own version of this extension. https://www.syncfusion.com/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fsupport%2fdirecttrac%2fincidents Regards, Selvamani S
Yes we have provided Require JS support for our components. But unfortunately, we are unable to use ej.widget.ko and Require JS combination at present. We have confirmed this as a defect and logged an issue report for this.
A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
Hi Mayur,
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Query: I see on the website that Syncfusion supports RequireJS, however, this is not a correct way. The module should not create a global reference. Because of this, now your extension of knockout does not work unless I wrap it and create my own version of this extension.
Yes we have provided Require JS support for our components. But unfortunately, we are unable to use ej.widget.ko and Require JS combination at present. We have confirmed this as a defect and logged an issue report for this.
A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
Selvamani S
We have checked with your requirement and created a new incident under your account to track the status of the defect reported in this forum. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
Sasikala Nagarajan