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Showing tooltips on a deeper layer in a drill-down map


I currently have tooltips displaying on my top layer but when I drill down one layer, the tooltips for the second layer don't display.

Here is my map code:

                          .ZoomSettings(zm => { zm.EnableZoomOnSelection(true); })
                          .ClientSideEvents(eve =>
                          .Layers(lr =>
                                  .ShapeSettings(sp =>
                                  .ShapeSettings(sp =>
                                          .EqualColorMappings(cm =>
                                  .ShapeSettings(sp =>
function OnDrilled(event) {
            if (event.model.baseMapIndex === 1) {
                var mapObj = $("#maps").data("ejMap");
                mapObj.model.enableAnimation = true;

                mapObj.option("baseMapIndex", 0);

                var button = document.getElementById("button1");
                $(button).css('background-color', '#0F77B7');
                var title = document.getElementById("title");
                $(title).css("display", "none");

Any help will be appreciated.



4 Replies

MA Matthias September 27, 2015 12:11 PM UTC

Sorry I spotted a mistake in my map code. Here is an update:

                          .ZoomSettings(zm => { zm.EnableZoomOnSelection(true); })
                          .ClientSideEvents(eve =>
                          .Layers(lr =>
                                  .ShapeSettings(sp =>
                                  .ShapeSettings(sp =>
                                          .EqualColorMappings(cm =>

MV Mohana V Syncfusion Team September 28, 2015 12:39 PM UTC

Hi Matthias,

Query : "currently have tooltips displaying on my top layer but when I drill down one layer, the tooltips for the second layer don't display."

We have created simple drilldown map sample and added separate tooltip template for the layers since we are using separate datasource to each layers.

In that sample we have added tooltip template "template1" for "Asia" continent and when we drill into Asia, the respective country name will be displayed in tooltip data.

Please find the Map sample link:


Please let us know in case of any query.

Mohana V

MA Matthias September 29, 2015 08:41 PM UTC

Thanks for the help!

MV Mohana V Syncfusion Team September 30, 2015 04:51 AM UTC

Hi Matthias,

Thanks for your update and please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Mohana V

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