I am a new user and trying to replace MS ReportViewer.
I have a webforms solution using VS2013.
I followed the online documentation "Create your first ReportViewer in ASP.NET"
I use rdlc reports localmode, but the reportviewer is not showing up.
Do I have to do something else?
WebForm CodeBehind
var prodlist = new Reports();
List<ReportDataSource> rptDatasources = new List<ReportDataSource>();
ReportDataSource rptDatasource = new ReportDataSource();
rptDatasource.Name = "DataSet1";
rptDatasource.Value = prodlist.GetRptAlunosLinq(2015);
ReportViewer2.DataSources = rptDatasources;
public class ReportApiController : ApiController, IReportController
//Post action for processing the rdl/rdlc report
public object PostReportAction(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
return ReportHelper.ProcessReport(jsonResult, this);
//Get action for getting resources from the report
public object GetResource(string key, string resourcetype, bool isPrint)
return ReportHelper.GetResource(key, resourcetype, isPrint);
//Method will be called when initialize the report options before start processing the report
public void OnInitReportOptions(ReportViewerOptions reportOption)
//You can update report options here
//Method will be called when reported is loaded
public void OnReportLoaded(ReportViewerOptions reportOption)
//You can update report options here
public class Global : HttpApplication
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });