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Doc to PDF Conversion

In the attached file there are 2 documents, the first is a generated Word Document done with DocIO and the second is the same, but converted to Pdf with the PdfConverter.
There are some differences in the two documents, the noisiest is a Page Break inserted in the PDF at page 3 that is not present in Word.

Another glitch is when I put 2 paragraph with borders one after another (look at page 3 for the two documents, the paragraph with light blue background, in the word document are 2 different with a border present to divide the two.,
In the Pdf, the two are merged.

The last one I notice is the Table in the forst page, that in the Word has Borders and in the Pdf has not.

There is anything I need to do to correct this behavior? Maybe I am doing something wrong generating the word document.
At the end only the PDF file will be generated. The Word is only for my reference if the doc is consistent with a template I have to copy.

     Thanks in advance.

    Andrea Perazzolo

Attachment: Report_446affb6.zip

2 Replies

AP Andrea Perazzolo August 11, 2015 06:57 AM UTC

I attach another step of the Conversion that has not the requested format.
In page 5 of both the attached documents, the circles (that are built with some characters in Segoe UI Symbol font) are missing in the table cells, while the same characters are present in the previous pages.
Also the borders of the table are not present in the PDF while present in the Word document.

Attachment: Reports2_4b4a680e.zip

SK Sathish K Syncfusion Team August 11, 2015 09:47 AM UTC

Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

A support incident to track the status of the ported issue has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates,


Please let me know if you have any questions.


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