In the attached file there are 2 documents, the first is a generated Word Document done with DocIO and the second is the same, but converted to Pdf with the PdfConverter.
There are some differences in the two documents, the noisiest is a Page Break inserted in the PDF at page 3 that is not present in Word.
Another glitch is when I put 2 paragraph with borders one after another (look at page 3 for the two documents, the paragraph with light blue background, in the word document are 2 different with a border present to divide the two.,
In the Pdf, the two are merged.
The last one I notice is the Table in the forst page, that in the Word has Borders and in the Pdf has not.
There is anything I need to do to correct this behavior? Maybe I am doing something wrong generating the word document.
At the end only the PDF file will be generated. The Word is only for my reference if the doc is consistent with a template I have to copy.
Thanks in advance.
Andrea Perazzolo