I'm facing a problem with the series xbindingPath as a string value on Android.
It shows al value as '0', but the actual value is a string(month).
Here the source:
In the viewmodel:
ChartSaldos = new ObservableCollection<ChartSaldo>();
foreach (var item in model.ChartSaldosList)
ChartSaldos.Add(new ChartSaldo{Month = "Jan", Value = 80});
In the view:
series.SetBinding(ChartSeries.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding("ChartSaldos"));
series.XBindingPath = "Month";
series.YBindingPath = "Value";
series.BindingContext = Model.ChartSaldos;
This problem only exists on the Android, IOS and WP8 does work.
Can someone help me?