Hi Andrew,Thank you for your update.We would like to let you know that, the reported requirement can be achieved by handling the MenuFill event in EditControl and using the property named RemoveContextMenuItem from the ContextMenuProvider. Please refer the below code snippet to remove the default menu item from the context menu. We have prepared the sample for your reference and it can be downloaded from the following location.
Code Snippet[C#]:
void editControl1_MenuFill(object sender, EventArgs e)
ContextMenuManager cm = (ContextMenuManager)sender;
//To Remove the File menu from the EditControl ContextMenu
Sample Location : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/119179/CustomizeContextMenu475227645.zip
Additionally please refer the below KB link to customize the ContextMenu items in EditControl.
KB Link : http://www.syncfusion.com/kb/336/how-do-i-customize-the-context-menu-support-in-the-edit-control
Could you please check with the above solution and let us know whether the provided solution is helpful to achieve your requirement?
Please let us know if you need further assistance.