Hi Helmut,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
In our previous update, we have provided solution to resolve the intellisense issue in Xamarin as there is a namespace conflict between two properties, as EndValue property of Scale can be bind with any double value properties, we have provided the code snippet for illustration purpose. We have created a simple sample for the same, please find the sample below,
Sample: Xamarin.Binding_Programatically.zip
In the above sample, we have bind the EndValue of Scale with CustomEndValue Property for that please refer the below code snippet.
C# scale.SetBinding(Syncfusion.SfGauge.XForms.Scale.EndValueProperty, new Binding("CustomEndValue") { Source = this });
Note: The above highlighted namespace is to resolve the intellisense issue.
Please let us know, if you have any queries.
Nijamudeen M.