Hi Chaitanya,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
Query: How to clear Multi Drop Down list on button click (Ex: Reset Button).
We can use the public method “clearText()” to clear the values in Dropdownlist. To access this public method we need to use the object of dropdownlist. Please refer the below code,
function clearValue(e) { //Object for Dropdownlist is created var target = $('#skillsets').data("ejDropDownList"); //clearText method is called to clear the values in Dropdownlist target.clearText(); } |
You can refer the following common user guide for JavaScript to know more about getting started with our components. Under each components we have provided “Concepts and features” section which explains about the features of the particular component.
You can also refer the following class reference link for JavaScript, which showcases all the properties, methods and events supported by each component.
Please let us know if you have further queries.
<input id="dropdown1" #drop ej-dropdownlist [dataSource]="data" [fields]="fields" [showCheckbox]="true" />
<br />
<button (click)="onClick($event)" type="button">Reset</button> |
export class AppComponent {
@ViewChild("drop") ddlObj:EJComponents<ej.DropDownList, any>;
data: Array<Object> = [];
fields: Object;
constructor() {
this.data = [
{text: "ListItem 1", value: "ListItem 1" },
{text: "ListItem 2", value: "ListItem 2" },
{text: "ListItem 3", value: "ListItem 3" },
{text: "ListItem 4", value: "ListItem 4" },
{text: "ListItem 5", value: "ListItem 5" },
this.fields = { dataSource: this.data, text: "text", value: "value" };
} |
$("#skillsets").prop('selectedIndex', -1);
this.ddlObj.widget.option("value", "");
} |