Hi Kapla,
We have analyzed this and listed the properties available to customize the data labels in chart. Find it from the below table
[JS] $("#container").ejChart( { commonSeriesOptions: { type: 'line', marker: { dataLabel: { angle: -45, // to rotate the data label border: { color: "green", // color of the border width: 2 // width of the border }, connectorLine: { // this is for accumulation series type: "bezier", // type of the connector line width: 2 // width of the connector line }, fill: "red", // background of the data label font: { // properties to customize the text in data label fontFamily: "algerain", fontStyle: "italic", fontWeight: "lighter", opactiy: 0.5, color: "white" }, horizontalTextAlignment: "far", // to align the data label horizontally margin: { // properties to adjust the text inside the shape left: 10, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10 }, opacity: 0.5, // opacity of the data label textPosition: "top", // position to place the data label verticalTextAlignment: "far", // to align the data label vertical visible: true, // to toggle the visibility }, } } }); |
And you can also refer the below API documentation link to know the available API’s and their syntax.
Link: http://help.syncfusion.com/UG/JS_CR/ejChart.html#series->marker->dataLabel
The below link show a sample with data label and data label template
Link: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure/chart/chartcustomization/labeltemplate
Please let us know if you have any concern.