Hi Thong,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
Query: Is there a way to use the ejUploadbox if you cannot use the ashx web handlers on the server? Maybe using Javascript instead?
We would like to inform you that, it is not necessary to use web handler file (ashx) to save the files in server. Also it is not possible to save the files to server using client side script (JavaScript) alone. We need to use any server side code (like PHP, C# etc..) with ejUploadbox, to save the files in server. For your reference we have prepared a sample to showcase how to save the files in server using PHP. Please check with the sample in the following location.
Sample Location : EJUpload box Sample
The above sample can be run in any PHP compatible server (like XAMPP). The uploaded files will be saved into the directory ‘uploads’.
Please get back to us if you would require any further assistance.