Hi Harry,
Thank you for using Syncfusion products.
We would like to let you know that, HubTile press behavior will be enabled once it is loaded in parent Form. Can you please check the attached sample, video and online documentation link from below for your reference?
Sample Location : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/118116/PressBehaviourSample1431646462.zip
Video Location : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/118116/PressBehaviour-311160712.zip
Documentation Link: http://help.syncfusion.com/ug/windows%20forms/documents/hubtile.htm
Could you please check with the above details and let us know if it helps? Or if we have misunderstood your requirement please provide some additional details about your requirment. So that, it will be helpful for us to analyze and provide you a prompt solution as earlier as possible.
Please let us know if you need further assistance,
Senthil kumaran.
From: Harald Peters [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 5:45 AM
To: Syncfusion Support
Subject: AW: Syncfusion support community forum 118116, Press Behavior, has been updated.
Dear Senthi,
thanks for your quick reply, but this is not what I mean. What I want to know is, where has the user klicked. Has he klicked on the left side of the HubTile, the right side, bottom, top or the middle of the HubTile. Depending on this, I want e.g. scroll an image.
In the user guide I can see the different slide effects, but I can’t find what slide effect is used in the moment of clicking the HubTile:
Best regards
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Walter Nagel GmbH & Co. KG
Harald Peters
Chief Development Officer
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F +49 521 92479-47
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Amtsgericht Bielefeld HRA 9230, Ust.-IDNr. DE 126941825, Komplementär: Nagel GmbH, 33729 Bielefeld, Amtsgericht Bielefeld HRB 31502, Geschäftsführer: Klaus Lütkehölter, 33729 Bielefeld
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Hi Harry,
Thank you for the update.
We would like to let you know that, currently there is no
direct support to achieve the stated requirement in HubTile. So we have
prepared a work around by handling MouseDown event and please make
use of below code snippet for your reference.
Code snippet[C#]:
void hubTile1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs
{ //Calculating
Left side bounds of HubTile Rectangle
LeftRectangle = new Rectangle(HubtileRect.X,
HubtileRect.Y, this.HubtileRect.Width / 4, this.HubtileRect.Height); //
Calculating Top bounds of HubTile Rectangle
UpRectangle = new Rectangle(LeftRectangle.Right,
this.HubtileRect.Y, (this.HubtileRect.Width
- (2 * (this.HubtileRect.Width / 4))), this.HubtileRect.Height / 4); //
Calculating Right side bounds of HubTile Rectangle
RightRectangle = new Rectangle(UpRectangle.Right,
this.HubtileRect.Y, this.HubtileRect.Width
/ 4, this.HubtileRect.Height); //
Calculating Down bounds of HubTile Rectangle
DownRectangle = new Rectangle(LeftRectangle.Right,
(this.HubtileRect.Height / 2 + this.HubtileRect.Height / 4), (this.HubtileRect.Width - (2 * (this.HubtileRect.Width / 4))) , HubtileRect.Height / 4); if
(LeftRectangle.Contains(e.Location)) { Left = Right = Middle = Top =
Bottom = false; Left = true; this.label1.Text
= "Left"; } else
if (UpRectangle.Contains(e.Location)) { Left = Right = Middle = Top =
Bottom = false; Top = true; this.label1.Text
= "Up"; } else
if (RightRectangle.Contains(e.Location)) { Left = Right = Middle = Top =
Bottom = false; Right = true; this.label1.Text
= "Right"; } else
if (DownRectangle.Contains(e.Location)) { Left = Right = Middle = Top =
Bottom = false; Bottom = true; this.label1.Text
= "Down"; } else { Left = Right = Middle = Top =
Bottom = false; Middle = true; this.label1.Text
= "Middle"; } } |
We have also prepared a sample for your stated requirement
and it can be downloaded from the following link.
Sample link: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/118116/HubTile_sample751651031.zip
Please look into the sample and kindly let us know if its
meet your requirement.
Please let us know if you need further assistance,
From: Harald Peters [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 5:40 AM
To: Syncfusion Support
Subject: AW: Syncfusion support community forum 118116, Press Behavior, has been updated.
Hi Ashwini,
thanks for your workaround. This is exactly the same way I wanted to solve this problem when I get no information directly from the control. Thanks your snipped I have not to spend time for it J
Best regards
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Walter Nagel GmbH & Co. KG
Harald Peters
Chief Development Officer
Tennenweg 7
33729 Bielefeld
T +49 521 92479-13
F +49 521 92479-47
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.walternagel.de
Amtsgericht Bielefeld HRA 9230, Ust.-IDNr. DE 126941825, Komplementär: Nagel GmbH, 33729 Bielefeld, Amtsgericht Bielefeld HRB 31502, Geschäftsführer: Klaus Lütkehölter, 33729 Bielefeld
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Hi Harry,
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
We are glad that we have helped you on this.
Please let us know if need further assistance,