I am using Gridgrouping control.
I have Parent-Child Relationship in the control.
I want to change multiple cell values of rows in child table.
For that I used "TableControlCurrentCellEditingComplete" event and following code
Dim el As Element
'Dim rec As GridRecord
Dim rec As Record
Dim table, tablechild As GridTable
Dim tablecontrol As GridTableControl
Dim cc As GridCurrentCell
Dim style As GridTableCellStyleInfo
el = Me.GridGroupingControl1.Table.GetInnerMostCurrentElement()
If Not el Is Nothing Then
table = CType(IIf(TypeOf el.ParentTable Is GridTable, el.ParentTable, Nothing), GridTable)
tablecontrol = Me.GridGroupingControl1.GetTableControl(table.TableDescriptor.Name)
cc = tablecontrol.CurrentCell
style = table.GetTableCellStyle(cc.RowIndex, cc.ColIndex)
rec = CType(IIf(TypeOf el Is GridRecord, el, Nothing), GridRecord)
If rec Is Nothing AndAlso TypeOf el Is GridRecordRow Then
rec = CType(IIf(TypeOf el.ParentRecord Is GridRecord, el.ParentRecord, Nothing), GridRecord)
End If
I want to get the current record of child table when i change the value in current cell of row and tab key is not pressed and directly moved to cell of next row.
But When I press the tab key I get current record of child table
Please give me solution regarding to this.
Thank you and Regards,