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Problem with Excel Graphs

from an MVC Project I am exporting using XlsIo data crating an  embedded chart on a sheet.
I want to hide the legend, so I use

chart.HasLegend = false;

On the Excel chart, the Legend is present.
Am I doing something wrong. I noticed that the Legend Property of the IChart Obejct is null after calling the previous code.

I am using the version

Thanks in advance

     Andrea Perazzolo

2 Replies

AP Andrea Perazzolo November 4, 2014 02:41 PM UTC

Sorry for the question.
I was doing a mistake generating the Excel. The code works.

  Thanks for all

    Andrea Perazzolo

SR Sudha Ramachandran Syncfusion Team November 5, 2014 10:57 AM UTC

Hi Andrea,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

Please let us know if you need further assistance on this.
Sudha Ramachandran

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