I have been playing with the sample Diagram Builder that was provided to me.
It's great, but I want to use a database rather than local storage.
I have written web services that save and retrieve the diagram data, but am having a challenge.
When I retrieve the previously saved diagram and perform a diagram.load, the diagram appears momentarily and then the screen seems to refresh and the canvas is blank.
Here's the relevant Javascript code:
function LoadDiagram() {
var listbox = $find("<%= lstDiagrams.ClientID %>");
var key = listbox.get_selectedItem().get_value();
WebService.GetDiagram(key, OnSuccess_Get, OnFail);
function OnSuccess_Get(response) {
var diagram = $("#DiagramContent").ejDiagram("instance");
var jsonData = JSON.parse(response);
diagram.load(jsonData); }
As I said, I DO see the diagram, but only for a second before the canvas goes blank.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.