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Conditional Formatting not getting loaded


I have an excel file that I'm opening in memory, writing in some values and saving it to stream as new file (and for test purposes to disk).
The problem is that I have ConditionalFormatting (IconSet) set on a column  but when I open it, the formatting dissapears.

Test code:

 Dim workBook As IWorkbook = engine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(emptyTemplateFile, ExcelOpenType.SpreadsheetML2010)

 workBook.SaveAs(saveLocation + "Test.xlsx")
Is there any special setting I need to set for it to work?


2 Replies

GV Goran Valmont September 16, 2014 08:38 AM UTC

I've just figured out one bit of information that can help.

The Icon set I have on the worksheet is a custom one and not one of the integrated ones.

When I use one of the previously defined iconsets then it work normally.

DB Dilli Babu Nandha Gopal Syncfusion Team September 17, 2014 06:41 AM UTC

Hi Goran 

Thank you for using Syncfusion Products. 

We have analyzed the issue and are unable to reproduce the issue from our end. We have provided a simplified sample that we tried to reproduce for your reference. Kindly try the sample at your end and get back to us if the issue is reproducing. If not, please modify the sample to reproduce the issue and get back to us through our Direct-Trac support. If you could tell us your current working version, it  will help us to investigate further and provide you a prompt solution. 

Sample link: CondtitionalFormat_stream.zip

 Please let us know if you need any clarification.


Dilli babu

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