Hi Miroslav,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
We have analyzed the sample that you have attached. It is found that,
members of the <List> “TreeViewItem” are not properly mapped to the
“TreeViewFields”. In the “Text” field, it is mapped as “Text” instead of
“name”. This is the root cause for the reported issue (“Tree view not
rendering”). So, please use the Tree view fields as shown below,
@Html.EJ().TreeView("MyTreeView").TreeViewFields(s => s.Datasource((IEnumerable<TreeViewItem>)ViewBag.TreeViewDS).Id("Id").ParentId("ParentId").Text("Name"))
Also, it is found that “ej.theme.min.css” and “ej.widgets.core.min.css”
files are not included in your project. “ej.widgets.all.min.css” has reference
to the above mentioned files. So, it is necessary to include these two files.
We have made these changes in your project and attached the same in the
following location.
Sample Location: Treeview Sample
Also, you can refer the following online documentation link to get start
with our ASP.NET MVC components.
Please get back to us if you would require any further assistance.