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Custom Sumary Calculation Paint Event

I have a grid with a column using a custom summary. The calculation of this sumary is very slow. It is ok to be slow on first load. The problem is that when a scroll the grid, it seems that the paint event of the grid triggers the custom sumary again, and since it is really slow, it make the whole application slow as well. 

Are there any options to configure the grid to make these calculations only once (when it is loaded) stead of every time it needs to paint?

1 Reply

NK Neelakandan Kannan Syncfusion Team June 25, 2014 08:36 AM UTC

Hi Felipe,


Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.





Custom Summary Calculation Paint Event





We would like to let you know that the reported scenario can be resolved through the ScrollerWindow operation instead of invalidating whole grid when  inserting or removing records.


Please refer the below code:

bool optimizeScrolling = true;

this.grid.TableControl.OptimizeInsertRemoveCells = optimizeScrolling;



The reported scenario can be resolved by Update and UpdateDisplayFrequency properties in the Grid. Because, the painting of the cell is delayed until gridGroupingControl.Update is called or until the time specified with GridGroupingControl.UpdateDisplayFrequency elapsed.


Please refer the below UG link:



Please refer the below sample:

<Install Location>\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\[Version Number]\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Performance\Manual Total Summary Demo



Please let me know if you have any concerns.




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