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Save diagram. and identify loops in diagram

Good day

I have to questions:

  1. How to save the diagram and recall it again when I run the program? I need the code in VB language.

  2. I wanted to do a hydraulic analysis program. Where the user will draw the pipeline network by pulling the parts from the Palettegroup and connect them together. However, to carry out the hydraulic analysis, I want from the program to identify if there is any loops formed in the diagram and which connectors are forming this loop. (note that I used directed connectors as pipeline and I connected them through other symbol (I call it connector).  example is given below. I want the code in VB.Regards




7 Replies

AA Amsath Ali M Syncfusion Team May 28, 2014 05:09 AM UTC

Hi Malik,


Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.


We are glad to inform you that we have achieved your requirements in the below attached sample. Please try the attached sample and let us know if you have any queries.



Amsath Ali. M

Attachment: DetectLoop_9f1127a5.zip

MS Malik Said May 28, 2014 04:42 PM UTC

Dear Amsath

Many thanks for your quick support.

It is good code. However, I want to get an output of which connectors are forming this loop.

And if there are more than one loop in the diagram I want to get them separately.

Also I want the program to know (if more than one loop) if they are adjacent like this:



Or separated loops like this:



 And what are the connectors which forming each loop.

Highly appreciate your support.



AA Amsath Ali M Syncfusion Team May 29, 2014 06:44 AM UTC

Hi Malik,


Thanks for your update.


We are glad to inform you that we have modified the solution to achieve your requirement and attached the modified sample with our response.


Please refer the below attached sample and let us know if you have any queries.



Amsath Ali. M

Attachment: DetectLoop_f25ca0b5.zip

MS Malik Said June 2, 2014 03:22 AM UTC

Dear Amsath

Thanks again for your support.

But still I want the program (if loop is found) to give me all connectors which are forming the loop. For example, if a loop is found, the program can tell me that the loop is formed by Line1, Line2, Line3 and Line4 (the lines which are forming the complete cycle).

this is very important in my program !!!!!!!



AA Amsath Ali M Syncfusion Team June 4, 2014 03:48 AM UTC

Hi Malik,


Thanks for your update.


Please refer the sample attached in our previous update which gives you the connectors which are causing the loop.


Please let us know if you have any queries.




MS Malik Said June 4, 2014 06:05 AM UTC

Dear Amsath
may you missed to put the attachement.

AA Amsath Ali M Syncfusion Team June 6, 2014 04:10 AM UTC

Hi Malik,


Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


We have attached the sample which gives the connectors causing the loop once again on our server, and the same can be downloaded from the below link.


Please refer the below attached sample and let us know if you have any queries.




Attachment: DetectLoop_21af9c86.zip

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