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Label entry when LabelFontColor is white

I have set the Node.LabelFontColor to white for several of the shapes in my diagram.  Unfortunately, the text-entry area that appears when typing in a label's content is also white.  Therefore, I cannot see what I am typing. 


Is there a way to set the color of the text-entry background, or some other technique that might be helpful to solve this issue? 

5 Replies

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team May 16, 2014 05:01 PM UTC

Hi Jeff

 Thanks for using Syncfusion products

 We have created a Workaround sample to set background color for text entry area and sample is attached below for download.

 Please let me know if any concerns.


Shyam G

Attachment: MvcApplication130_1d91821d.zip

JE Jeff May 20, 2014 09:27 PM UTC

Thank you, I was able to use your workaround successfully.  For the sake of others reading this thread, the workaround requires the following:

1. Create a JavaScript event handler to set the color and backgroundColor attributes of the MyNodeId_Textbox element.  Something like this:

function TextEdit(sender, args) {
 var elem = document.getElementById(args._Id + "_Textbox");
 elem.style.backgroundColor = "black";
 elem.style.color = "white";


2. Bind the event handler to the appropriate event in .Net.  Where diagramView is an instance of DiagramView:

diagramView.Model.ClientSideOnNodeStartLabelEdit = "TextEdit";


Hope this helps someone else!

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team May 21, 2014 10:10 AM UTC

Hi Jeff,

We are glad that our sample workaround was helpful. Thank you for your valuable points in addition to this.

Please let us know if you require any other assistance on this.


Shyam G

JK Jeffrey Kesselman replied to Jeff Subat March 1, 2018 09:29 PM UTC

I have set the Node.LabelFontColor to white for several of the shapes in my diagram.  Unfortunately, the text-entry area that appears when typing in a label's content is also white.  Therefore, I cannot see what I am typing. 


Is there a way to set the color of the text-entry background, or some other technique that might be helpful to solve this issue? 

I agree

KU Kutraleeswaran Syncfusion Team March 2, 2018 12:40 PM UTC

Hi Jeffrey, 
We are able to reproduce the reported issue at our end. However you are using the classic version of ASP.Net MVC Diagram Product. The reported issue is already fixed in newer version of ASP.Net MVC Diagram Product.  
The newer version provides several advantages over the classic edition including being purely client side rendered HTML5/JavaScript controls, offers better performance and provides better support for touch interactivity. The newer version includes all the features that the classic version had so it should be easy to migrate if required.  
You can check the newer version of ASP.Net MVC Diagram Product Functionalities in below link: 
Kutraleeswaran Samuthirapandian 

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