Hi Jeremy,
Query #1: It will set the item the first time, but when the tree loses focus and I try to set it again it won't changed the selected item and actually freezes the whole tree.
We are able to reproduce the reported issue 'SfTreeNavigator freezes while SelectedItem is set through codes. We have logged a bug report and fix for this issue will be available in our upcoming 2013 volume 4 service pack 2 release.
Query #2: I have the Tree in a Popup and when it opens the first time it is fine, but when you go to set it again it will just close the popup when you click on the tree.
We are unable to reproduce the above reported problem. Please provide us replication procedure demo or modify the sample to reproduce the issue. So that it will be helpful for us to analyse and provide you optimal solution.
Please find the sample in below link in which we tried to reproduce the issue.
Please let us know if you have any queries.
Vignesh V