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Custom Node Issue?

Good Morning,
I was asked to verify the feasibility of porting WinForm  in WPF
Projects use the Diagram library with a good number of Custom Node and connectors.

I firstly try to design a Custon Node and Connector. All right with connector but no way to have a custom Node. An exception is thrown when dropping the custom node the the diagram.
I'm quite sure to follow a bad way, but no I have good examples on the matter.

Thease see the attached test; dropping the custom symbol on the diagram an exception is thrown.

Best regards


10 Replies

PA Parthiban A Syncfusion Team January 2, 2014 12:30 PM UTC


Due to some technical problems, the sample is not uploaded correctly. Could you please resend the sample?
Parthiban A.

DM Domenico Mozzone January 8, 2014 03:21 PM UTC

Hi Parthiban,
please find in attachment the example
Kind regards


PA Parthiban A Syncfusion Team January 10, 2014 09:26 AM UTC

Hi Domenico,

WPF control can be hosted into windows forms and vice versa, though they have limitations too. Kindly refer the below msdn links to for more about hosting feasibility.



We have analysed the provided sample, we found that you have override the symbol palette items CloneContent function. It is used to set the symbol palette items content at runtime, which can be any business object or any other. You have tried to set node as symbol palette item content, exception thrown due to some xml serialization limitations. Since xml serializer couldn’t serialize generic collections. Here it tries to serialize observable collection Ports in node.

 We suggest that no need to set node as symbol palette item content. By default if you drag and drop any symbol palette item from palette, node will be added to diagram page and symbol palette item content is set to nodes content. In your scenario path is symbol palette items content, now when you drag drop to diagram page, created node will have same path as its content. Hence there is no need to override the content while runtime.

Kindly try the sample without overriding the CloneContent function. If you need to do so, set node as symbol palette item’s content while creating. Kindly find the modified sample below.

Please let us know, if you require further assist on this.


Parthiban A.


DM Domenico Mozzone January 13, 2014 08:48 AM UTC

Hi Parthiban,
thank you for your reply. You are right, but I think that I not well explained what I'd like to do.
My need is to have a node with custom aspect, but also with custom properties (in the example CustomId).
Dropping without cloning, I have a Node object added to the Model.Nodes Collection, not my Custom node AcGen with its properties, isn't it?
So my question is:
How can I design a custom node in such a way that when dropped on Diagram will "maintain its type" and (serializable) properties?
Till now I find out only a "fanciful way:" in the node drop event I check the SymbolPaletteItemName to decide which node the user is adding. So I can add my custom node to the model programmatically, after removing the dropped node...
I think that a best way can be used, but I don't find out it. Can you help me?

Best regards


DM Domenico Mozzone January 13, 2014 01:27 PM UTC

Hi Parthiban,
I forgot to indicate where I saw about CloneContent()
Here is the link
Best Regards

PA Parthiban A Syncfusion Team January 16, 2014 07:39 AM UTC

Hi Domenico,

This can be achieved by setting symbol palette item’s content as custom node. When symbol palette item is drag and drop from palette, by default we check the symbol palette item’s content internally. If it is node, we automatically add that node to diagram control instead of creating new node. We have modified you sample in which we had created custom node(AcGen) and set it as symbol palette item’s content. And also this custom node content is set as grid, which contains path in it. Hence when the symbol palette items is drag and drop, custom node will be added to control and having path as it content. For more information kindly refer the attached sample.


Parthiban A.


DM Domenico Mozzone January 16, 2014 09:17 AM UTC

Hi Pathiban,
thank you very much for your help.
It solves my request, but adding more than one custom node (AcGen), saving the xaml file, when I reload it an exception is thrown about node name duplication.
How can I workaround to avoid exception?
Best Regards
Domenico M

PA Parthiban A Syncfusion Team January 21, 2014 06:12 AM UTC

Hi Domenico,

We could reproduce the reported issues. This is due to duplication value for framework "Name" property. Since Symbol palette Item’s content has same custom node, for each drag and drop operation. It will added same node to the diagram control. Hence all the node has same name in it. We have provided workaround in which, we renamed the name in loaded event. For more information kindly refer the attached sample.


Parthiban A.


DM Domenico Mozzone January 21, 2014 08:54 AM UTC

Hi Parthiban,
than you very much for worrkaround.
Best Regards

Domenico M.

PA Parthiban A Syncfusion Team January 22, 2014 05:02 AM UTC

Hi Domenico,
Thanks for your update. Please let us know if you require any further assist on this.
Parthiban A.

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