We have an application that was developed using Syncfusion controls, the Grid Control for this matter. The grid has a limited space to show its contents and to avoid showing rows with the same data we have written CoveredRanges source code (Merge didn't do the trick as we have several columns and when on the preceding column the value changes and the merge is reset, the following column keeps the merge. We want to have some sort of grouped merges). Back to the limited space for the grid, when we have a lot of rows merged into one we find ourselves that the text of this cell is not shown unless we scroll to a specific location (with a middle vertical alignment we have to scroll the middle of the merged rows).
In the latest package there's an example of a Virtual Merge Cell Demo with a checkbox to center the text in the visible part of partially visible cells. The language of our application is Visual Basic and the example only provides C#. We've tried to reuse and rewrite that code with no success. Could you please provide us with the code (CustomGridControl) in Visual Basic so we can use it for our application? With previous versions of the suite we managed to reuse custom controls like "Grid in Cell" or "Button Edit" also in Grid as they were provided in both programming languages but this one is giving us some trouble with no success so far.
Thanks in advance