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Add PivotFields dynamically


I am wondering if it is possible to add PivotFields dynamically to a PivotGrid without using CodeBehind. Either from a dynamic expando object or from a list of dynamic properties.

My current implementation does like the following in CodeBehind:

if (HasDimensionType(debitRows, DimensionType.employee_id))
    this.PivotGrid.PivotFields.Add(new PivotItem
        FieldMappingName = "EmployeeIdDimensionText",
        FieldHeader = "Anställningsnummer",
        TotalHeader = "Total"

1 Reply

NR Niranchana R Syncfusion Team October 22, 2013 06:36 AM UTC

Hi Alexander,


We would like to inform you that we have created a simple sample to add Pivot Fields dynamically to a PivotGrid from a list containing dynamic properties. Please download the sample from the following link.


Sample link:



In the above sample, we used a separate button which adds Pivot Field dynamically to PivotGrid Control.


Please let us know if any queries.





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