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Starting in 2019, the Reporting control is no longer included in Essential Studio®. If you're experiencing issues with the Syncfusion� Reporting Platform, Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer, we recommend migrating to Bold Reports, our dedicated reporting platform.

Bold Reports offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features for all your reporting needs, and we will help you make a smooth transition from the discontinued control. Our support team at https://support.boldreports.com/ is here to assist you with any questions or difficulties you may encounter during the migration process.

We thank you for choosing Syncfusion� and appreciate your understanding.

Essential Report Viewer - Responsiveness

I am looking for a report viewer for our new MVC applications targeting Desktop and Tablets.
I came across this tool. I have below questions.

1. Is this Report Viewer is built to output a responsive design and fluid layout based on the targeting  device. Does this automatically re sizes based device it is being rendered.

2. Is this a HTML5 report viewer?

Vinod Kumar

1 Reply

RG Ragavan G Syncfusion Team October 3, 2013 01:56 PM UTC

Hi Vinod ,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products . 

Q)  Is this Report Viewer is built to output a responsive design and fluid layout based on the targeting  device. Does this automatically re sizes based device it is being rendered.

A)  ReportViewer will be render with respective design and the it will be rendered based on application size , the content will be depending on report page size . 

Q)  Is this a HTML5 report viewer?

A) Syncfusion ReportViewer not developed  in HTML5 . It has implemented with basic HTML .

Thanks ,

Ragavan G

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