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start editing a cell at particular position

I have a grid with a cell which on expand shows me list box, when I select item from list box, its value gets displayed in cell but the cursor position is set at 0th position and i want cursor position should be at last, how can i do this please assist me.

Thank you

2 Replies

SA Sandeep September 19, 2013 11:04 AM UTC

Does this question has any answer???

AK Arun Kumar V Syncfusion Team September 23, 2013 03:36 AM UTC

Hi Sandeep,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.


start editing a cell at particular position.

Sorry for  the delay. You could make use of the following currencellstartediting event for the reported purpose. In this event you could make use of the textbox renderer and make the selection to the last part.

Please let me know if you have any concerns.



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