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Where is the selectionchanged event for the GridDataControl.  I realize that the sfDataGrid has it, but that control is much harder to style and seems to not have theme capability.

I just need to know when the user selects a different row (either by keyboard or mouse).  Please offer a solution.


1 Reply

SM Saravanan M Syncfusion Team September 5, 2013 02:29 PM UTC

Hi Jone,


We have analyzed your query. You can get the SelectionChanged event from the Model. You can also get the reason for row changed by using Reason API.

You can refer the below codesnippet.


this.syncgrid.Model.SelectionChanged += new GridSelectionChangedEventHandler(Model_SelectionChanged);

void Model_SelectionChanged(object sender, GridSelectionChangedEventArgs e)


      var res = e.Reason;     





We don’t have support in for visualstyle theme in SFGrid.We may considered this as feature in our upcoming release. You can merge custom theme by using ResourceDictionary. You can refer the below codesnippet.





<ResourceDictionary Source="/Syncfusion.SfGrid.WPF;component/Styles/Styles.xaml" />                            </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries>                      




If you want to know more about custom theme,you can also refer the below link,

DocumentationLink: http://help.syncfusion.com/UG/winrt/Documents/stylesandtemplates.htm


Please let us know if you have any queries.




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