new GridTreeColumn() { StyleInfo = new GridStyleInfo() { CellType = "DateTimeEdit", Format "dddd, dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm", HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
new GridTreeColumn() { StyleInfo = new GridStyleInfo() { CellType = "TimeSpanEdit", Format = " h 'h' m 'min'", HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }
Hi Andreas,
We have analyzed your query and you
can set DateTimePattern as CustomPattern for using custom DateTime format. You
can refer the following code snippet for this.
Code snippet [XAML]:
HeaderText="DateTimeEdit"> <syncfusion:GridTreeColumn.StyleInfo> <syncfusion:GridDataColumnStyle
CellType="DateTimeEdit"> <syncfusion:GridDataColumnStyle.DateTimeEdit>
<syncfusion:GridDateTimeEditStyleInfo DateTimePattern="CustomPattern"
CustomPattern="dddd, dd.MM.yyyy
hh:mm"/> </syncfusion:GridDataColumnStyle.DateTimeEdit> </syncfusion:GridDataColumnStyle> </syncfusion:GridTreeColumn.StyleInfo> </syncfusion:GridTreeColumn> |
We have prepared a sample based on your requirement and please find the
sample under the following location.
Please let us know if you have any queries.
Hi Andreas,
Apologize for the delay caused.
We suggest you to set CustomPattern for DateTimeEdit and TimeSpanEdit in code behind as follows.
Code snippet[C#]:
treeGrid.ModelLoaded += new EventHandler(treeGrid_ModelLoaded);
void treeGrid_ModelLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridTreeColumn column1 = new GridTreeColumn() { MappingName="DOJ", StyleInfo = new GridStyleInfo() { CellType = "DateTimeEdit", DateTimeEdit = new GridDateTimeEditStyleInfo() { DateTimePattern=DateTimePattern.CustomPattern, CustomPattern = "dddd, dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm" } } }; treeGrid.Columns.Add(column1); GridTreeColumn column2 = new GridTreeColumn() { MappingName = "Time", StyleInfo = new GridStyleInfo() { CellType = "TimeSpanEdit", TimeSpanEdit = new GridTimeSpanEditStyleInfo() { Format = " h 'h' m 'min'" } } }; treeGrid.Columns.Add(column2); }
Please let us know if you have any queries.