I want to use SF Window ASP.NET Control into my MVC 4 Project. Can I use it?
If so, I would create a new Window Control in Javascript, in order to open multiple windows for each items menu click event fired.
Somethink like this:
<syncfusion:Window ID="Window1" runat="server" Modal="False" Height="200px" Width="250px" AutoFormat="Office2007 Black" ShowPinButton="True" ShowMinMaxButtons="True" ShowRefreshButton="True" EnableXHTML="False"></syncfusion:Window>
function CreateNewWindow()
My goal is create a Multi Document Interface where users can open multiple windows selecting items from a menu.
The above code in my project doesn't work and I don't know if it is correct or not.
Could you give me any suggest, for me this is a very important project!
Thanks in advance