Hi Siva,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion forums.
We have prepared a simple sample with two partials views and placed a Treeview within GenericDropdown in one of the partial views and called the action method from another controller using RedirectToAction() method, but we are unable to reproduce the reported issue. Treeview and GDD are visible and they are working fine with no issues.
The sample which we have tried is available in the below link.
Please refer the below code snippets,
[New controller]
public class TestController : Controller
// GET: /Test/
public ActionResult Index()
return RedirectToAction("Index","Home"); //calling the index action of Home controller
[Home -> Index.aspx]
Kindly have a look at the sample and let us know if helps. Or if you still feel that issue exists, could you please try reproducing the issue in above sample and share it with us, so that we can analyze the problem from our end and provide you a better solution.
Please let us know if you have any other concerns.
Hi Siva,
We are glad to know that your issue has been solved.
Kindly get back to us if you need any assistance. We will be happy to assist you.