How do you open a link or URL in a new tab?
A URL can be opened in a new tab either by using the NavLink component or by using JavaScript. In the NavLink component, we can specify the URL to be opened in a new tab in the href parameter. In interop’s IJSRuntime instances, the method InvokeAsyncwith parameters open, URL, and _blank are used. Here, the third parameter, _blank, is used to notify that the URL needs to be opened in the new tab.
How do you change the default icon provider in a Blazor app?
You can change the default icon provider for Blazor by importing the required icons in the site.css (\wwwroot\css\site.css or app.css). The imported icons can be used throughout the application. In the sample, I’ve imported the Material theme icons and used them. [site.css/app.css] [~/Shared/NavMenu.razor] In the sample, I have changed the default icons to the Material icons for the home page and counter.
How do you remove the About page from a Blazor app?
You can remove the About section from a Blazor application in the MainLayout.razor page.Remove the following code from the ~/Shared/MainLayout.razor page
How do you use HTML5 Canvas in Blazor?
To use HTML5 Canvas in Blazor, you can follow these steps: 1.Add the necessary HTML markup for the Canvas element in your Blazor component. For example: Here’s an example of using HTML5 Canvas in a Blazor component: [Index.razor] 2.Add the following script source to [_Host.cshtml/_Layout.cshtml/index.html].
How can I get the IP address of the current request in Blazor?
In Blazor, you can retrieve the IP address of the current request by utilizing the IHttpContextAccessor service. To do this,