What is Blazor?

Blazor is a component-based, single-page web app framework build using .NET.  It works well with all modern browsers via WebAssembly for client-side Blazor. Server-side Blazor ASP.NET Core app runs on server and makes use of SignalR connection to communicate with the client (browser).

How do you perform wait/sleep in Blazor?

To perform the wait operation in Blazor, we need to use Task.Delay(Time in milliseconds) which will wait for the specified time before execution. In the sample, we have delayed the count increment by a second by using the Task.Delay() method.

How do you add dependency injection in Blazor?

Use the @inject directive to inject the service into components. @inject has two parameters (type and name). Type represents the service type and name represents the service instance name. Syntax: In the following example, we have injected the dependency IJSRuntime service, which is used for handling JavaScript interoperability to invoke a JavaScript function during a button click in Blazor. For more information, refer to this link.

Is hot reload support available in Blazor?

As of now, hot reload is not supported in Blazor, but it has been scheduled for the .NET 5 release. Please refer here for more information. However, you can use the following command in the command prompt. Also, you must include the following file types in the .csproj file for which files you want to watch. Reference Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58172922/is-there-any-hot-reload-for-blazor-server-side