How do I use jQuery UI components in a Blazor application?
To use jQuery UI components in a Blazor application follow the steps: Refer to the following code sample. [_Host.cshtml/_Layout.cshtml/index.html] [index.razor] [script.js] View Sample in GitHub
How do I store session data in Server-side Blazor?
First to access browser Session Storage in Blazor apps, write a custom code or use a third party package. The accessed data can be stored in the Local Storage and Session Storage. The Local Storage is scoped to the user’s browser. If the user reloads the page or closes and reopens the browser, the state persists. Session storage is similar to Local Storage but the data in the session storage will be cleared after the session. Use the Blazored.SessionStorage package to store the session data in Blazor. For this install the package and add the service to the application. [Program.cs] [index.razor]
How do I access browser local storage in Blazor?
To access browser localStorage in Blazor apps, write a custom code or use a third party package. The difference between localStorage and sessionStorage is: The localStorage is scoped to the user’s browser. If the user reloads the page or closes and reopens the browser, the state persists. Session storage is similar to local storage but the data in the session storage will be cleared after the session. The Blazored.LocalStorage package can be used to access the browser’s local storage in Blazor. For this you need to install the package and add the service to the application. [Program.cs] [index.razor] To access the local storage using the OnInitialized method, disable the ServerPrerender in _Host.cshtml. Reference link: View Sample in GitHub
How do I get the checkbox value if it is checked?
To get the checkbox value when it is checked or unchecked use the onchange event by calling a method in onchange event using lambda expression and passing the checkbox value to it.
How can I utilize various methods to reference CSS in Blazor?
In Blazor, there are three ways to use different CSS files in different pages . 1. Use direct links of the CSS file via the <link> HTML element with its local or online reference in the href attribute. 2. Use inline <style></style> tag to define the custom styling for the page. 3. Include a new CSS file in the page by using a JavaScript interop in the OnInitialized method. [script.js] function includeCss(url) { } [Index.razor] View Sample in GitHub