How do I create a ListView in .NET MAUI?
You can create a ListView by adding the `<ListView>` element in your XAML file or by creating an instance of `ListView` in your C# code. XAML OR C#
How do I implement pull-to-refresh in a ListView?
To enable pull-to-refresh, set the ‘IsPullToRefreshEnabled’ property to ‘true’ and specify a ‘RefreshCommand’. Users can then pull down the list to initiate the refresh action. XAML C#-MVVM
How do I handle item selection in a ListView in .NET MAUI?
You can handle item selection by subscribing to the ListView’s ItemSelected event. When a user selects an item, the event is triggered, and the OnItemSelected event handler is called, which retrieves the selected item. XAML C#
What’s the difference between a ListView and a CollectionView in .NET MAUI?
ListView is a fundamental control for showcasing lists of data or items. CollectionView, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated control that offers greater flexibility in terms of layout and data presentation. In complicated scenarios, CollectionView is the favored choice.
How do I populate a ListView in .NET MAUI?
To populate a ListView, set its ItemsSource property to a collection of items, typically a list or an ObservableCollection. Each item represents one of the list’s entries. You can customize the appearance of each item in the ListView by assigning the DataTemplate within the ItemTemplate. XAML