What is a .NET MAUI Slider Control?
The .NET MAUI Slider control is a user interface (UI) that allows users to select a value within a specified range by dragging a thumb along a track.
How can I handle the selection change event of a Picker in XAML?
To handle the selection change event of a Picker in XAML:XAML: C#
How do I set the selected item in a Picker in C# code-behind?
You can set the selected item in C# code-behind using the SelectedIndex property or the SelectedItem property:
How do I populate a Picker with items in C# code-behind?
You can populate a Picker with items in C# code-behind using:C#:
How do I create a basic Picker in XAML?
You can create a basic Picker in XAML like this:XAML: